I have been training with my coach for about a month now, and I am so happy with my improvement. When I first started running with him, I couldn’t run longer than 15 minutes (I hadn’t been running much at that point so I wasn’t conditioned at all for running). Now I’m up to 47 minutes. Honestly, I believe I could run for longer, however last week my old IT band injury flared up around minute 40. Remembering how bad it got in 2010 when I injured it, I’ve taken this past week very easy and have been nursing my knee (ice, elevation, foam rolling, etc). I’m also taping it which helps tremendously (Rocktape is my new obsession). Tonight I have a track workout with my coach and my knee feels good and ready to go. I just need to remember to foam roll and ice it after every single workout especially since soon I’ll be getting into the long runs!
T-minus 129 days!
Get it gurrrlll!! Keep those ITB knee issues at bay!