
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lent 2012 + Fat {Taco} Tuesday!

Happy Fat Tuesday!!

I’ve been thinking a lot about Lent and what I want to give up this year.  In the past I’ve given up meat (I actually did that for several more months), given up coffee, chips (I <3 salty snacks), and I even gave up alcohol (when I was in college no less).  One year I added meditation to my daily routine and I found that very cleansing.  So I got to thinking, “What am I going to do for this season of Lent?”

I was talking to my hubs about it over the weekend, and I mentioned how I wish I had more time to read for fun.  All my reading has been focused on text books for B-School.  Alas!  There it was!  My answer for Lent 2012.  I am going to read for fun at least 10 minutes a day.
There are so many books on my reading list, including Bossy Pants (which I downloaded onto my iPad almost a year ago), The Host (which I started a year ago and got about 1/8 of the way through), The Help, Running for Women (by Ms. Goucher), and The Fountainhead, among others.  I’m going to kick off Lent with the Host, so perhaps I can finally finish it!  I’m really excited to start this tomorrow!

As for Fat Tuesday tonight, I’m making slow cooker pork tacos for me and my hubs!  I marinated the pork shoulder last night and put it in the slow cooker before I left for work this morning.  By the time I get home it should melt right off the bone and will be delicious with corn tortillas and all the taco fixings’.  After our Fat {Taco} Tuesday we might even go see a movie…we’re thinking either the Descendants (with the Oscar’s on Sunday) or Safe House (which looks bad-A).

What are you doing for Lent?
Do you like to cook?
What movies are on your “to-see” list? 


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