Tuesday evening I started to feel a tickle in my throat…more like that dry scratchy feeling that one gets pre-cold. I went to bed early and woke up at 7am on Wednesday with an excruciating sore throat. I tried getting out of bed but felt so lethargic and light-headed that I had to lay down again. So much for working out. I ended up laying in bed all day watching movies and catching up on my TiVo-ed shows. I watched Julia & Julie for the first time and fell in love. I love cooking and baking, so watching this movie and the parallels between Julia Child and Julie Powell was so much fun. My bf came over in the evening and we both ended up falling asleep around 9pm.
I knew I had to go back to work today, so I set my alarm for 5:30am because I wanted to try and get a quick run in. No go. I woke up and couldn’t even breathe. My sore throat turned in to the perfect head cold, complete with a little cough. Terrific. At work I asked my running mentor if I could try and run tomorrow or if I should rest until I feel 100% (or very close to it), and he said “REST IS BEST.” My training coach is this awesome marathoner in my building who I met by chance. He’s become my running coach if you will. I’ll talk more about him later.
Anyways, so now I’m pounding airborne (vitamins are good), alka seltzer, and tons and tons of water. Hopefully I kick this soon, because I have a 5K Santa race on Sunday (I’m running with my friend Lisa, and I have an awesome Santa costume to wear!), and I don’t want to hinder my half marathon training.
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