Shin splints? Nope! + Travel Fitness Goodies
This morning was my first run in 3 days. I took a few days off from running because I started to have shin pains. I was hoping that I didn’t have shin splints because those are incredibly painful. Over those few days I did a lot of icing and stretching, and alas! Today I was fine. I think it was also a good rest because I got a quick two miles in before work this morning and it felt great. Speaking of work, I know it can be a challenge to get a workout in when traveling for business. After a day filled with meetings it can be deterring to come back to your hotel room and realize you haven’t gotten your workout in yet. Well, I stumbled across this article on It talks about 10 simple items you can throw in your suitcase when traveling. And it’s more exciting than a basic resistance band! Fun, simple, and compact! What more could you want when traveling with fitness gear?! Click here to read the article.
Tomorrow I’ll think I’m going to hit the gym before work so I can run a bit and do some weight training. I’ve been neglecting my arms, and it’s time they get a little attention :)
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